Monday, October 23, 2006

Doug Thompson Nails it Again

Good ole Doug Thompson at Capitol Hill Blue.

He sure knows how to put in writing what millions of Americans are thinking:
Bush claims the war will be just a "comma" on history. Sadly, this "comma" is a deadly and expensive one - costing more American lives than the 911 terrorist attacks along with the lives of many more thousands of Iraqi civilians and billions upon billions of taxpayer funds.

This "comma" stands as testament to Bush's callous disregard for human life, the rule of law, truth, dignity or morality. It is a war waged on lies, fought through deception and continued by ignoring reality.

It is a war that threatens to outweigh Vietnam in shame and damage to the American psyche, one that may forever cast this country as an international bully with no regard for human rights.

We have become a nation that routinely lies to its allies, disregards the laws that we demand that others obey and promotes torture and suffering as matters of policy.